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Forschungsdozentur: "Konfliktforschung und Stabilitätsexport"

31 043
HS -
Governance and Regime Change in the Post-Soviet Space
(2 SWS) (10 cr) (max. 25 Teiln.) (in Englisch)
Mo 14.00-16.00  - OEI, Garystr. 55, Hs A
(18.10.) Jonathan Wheatley,
Christoph Zürcher
This seminar will analyse the trajectory of regime change in the former Soviet Union (FSU) as well as the sort of regimes that later became established there. It will first seek to address theoretical questions, such as how to define a regime and how to distinguish the concept of “regime” from the concepts of “state” and “government”, and will consider theoretical attempts to form a typology of regimes. It will then go on to address the following more empirical aspects of regime change. First, to what extent was the trajectory of regime change determined by the Soviet legacy and to what extent was it actor-driven? Second, is it empirically useful to compare regime change in the FSU with regime change in Eastern Europe or with regime change in other parts of the world? Third, what role has nationalism played in regime change in the FSU? Fourth, how have civil society, political parties and media evolved and what impact have these had on the evolution of the political regime in the FSU? Fifth, what influence has the international community – both governments and donor organizations – had on the trajectory of regime change there? Finally, the seminar will explore how governance really works in the FSU, especially at local level.

Essential Reading: Beissinger, Mark R.. Nationalist Mobilisation and the Collapse of the Soviet State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Linz, Juan and Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Baohui Zhang, “Corporatism, Totalitarianism and Transitions to Democracy”, Comparative Political Studies, Vol.27, No.1 (1994), 108-136. Terry Karl and Philippe Schmitter, “Modes of Transition in Latin America, Southern and Eastern Europe,” International Social Science Journal 128 (May 1991): 269-284.
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