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Forschungsdozentur: "Konfliktforschung und Stabilitätsexport"

Veranstaltung entfällt!
31 001
HS -
Konfliktforschung: Aktuelle Zugänge und Erkenntnisse (2 SWS) (10 cr) (max. 25 Teiln.); Mi 14.00-16.00 - OEI, Garystr. 55, 121 (13.4.) Christoph Zürcher
Das Seminar bietet einen Überblick über neuere methodische Zugänge und
Erkenntnisse aus der Konfliktforschung. Vorgestellt und diskutiert werden
sowohl qualitative und quantitative, theoretische und praxisbezogene
Das Seminar ist für Studierende des Otto-Suhr Institutes offen. Die
Teilnehmerzahlist auf 25 begrenzt.
Erwartet werden Lektürebereitschaft, Übernahme eines Referrats sowie die
Erstellung einer Hausarbeit.
Bitte nutzen Sie zur Anmeldung das elektronische Formular, welches auf der
homepage des Osteuropa-Instituts bereitgestellt wird.
Achtung neue Veranstaltung als Ersatz!
31 002
HS -
"Statehood, Governance and Democratization in the Former Soviet Union" (2 SWS) (10 cr); Mi 14.00-16.00 - OEI, Garystr. 55, 121 (13.4.) Jonathan Wheatley
This Seminar will analyse the evolution and institutionalization (or lack of it) of political regimes in the fifteen succesor states of
the USSR. It will adress the question of whether there has been a genuine democratic transition in these republics, or wheteher instead
certain superficial and often shallow democratic procedures mask an underlying dynamic that has changed little since the Soviet period.
It will first look at theoretical approaches to statehodd, state-society realations and democratization and the examine whether and how
these theories can be applied to the post-Soviet space. The key issues are the following: First, how did actors (both individual and
collective) in the former Soviet Union influence the political regime and to what extent was their behaviour constained or even
determined by socio-economic, institutional and cultural preconditions? Second, what was the role played by nationalism in post-Soviet
transitions in terms of defining the parameters for political pluralism? Third, how have civil society, political parties and media
developed and what impact have these had on the evolution of the political regime in the former Soviet Union? Fouth, what made the
'revolutions' in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyztan possible and could these events be repeated in other republics of rthe former Soviet
Union? Finally, what influence has the international community - both governments and donor organizations - had on the development of
democratic institutions?
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