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32 321
HS -
German-English contact in America: modelling variation and change (2 SWS) (7 cr) (in Englisch); Di 10.00-12.00 - JFKI, Lansstr. 7-9, Raum 319 (12.4.) Tonjes Veenstra
This course introduces the North American varieties of German and some important structural linguistic and to a lesser extent sociolinguistic issues that they represent. The main focus is on the syntactic effects of the English/German language-contact situation. In particular, we deal with questions such as: (i) how to account for variation in grammatical theory; (ii) how to model change in formal theories; (iii)how to distinguish between language change and grammar change in a sociolinguistically realistic way. Students are to work on primary data from Pennsylvania German made available in class (this includes transcription work).

Adger, D. 2003. Core Syntax. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Cornips, L. &K. Corrigan (to appear) Biolinguistic and Sociolinguistic Accounts of Syntactic Variation: Doubts about Dichotomy. Amsterdam, John Benjamins
Lightfoot, D. 1999. The Development of Language. Oxford, Blackwell.
Salmons, J. 1993. The German Language in America. Madison, Wisconsin, Max Kade Institute.
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