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Image Credit: CeDiS, Freie Universität Berlin

For Self-Determination and Respectful Relationships

In today’s society, people are still continually subjected to insults, discrimination, and violence due to their gender or sexual identity. Universities are no exception. The personal boundaries of students, employees, and visitors can be violated here, too, and they can be exposed to verbal or physical harassment or assault.

„No Means No is valid also at Freie Universität Berlin. I thank everyone who is committed to fight any form of sexualized discrimination and violence and who support us in offering help and counselling for people affected.” (Professor Dr. Günter M. Ziegler, President of Freie Universität Berlin)

The information you find here explains what constitutes sexualized harassment, discrimination, and violence as well as where you can find help and support to hopefully prevent them from ever happening. The website also includes information about available counseling services for harassed and assaulted people and laws against sexualized discrimination and sexualized violence.