Co-ordination of the project

Project co-ordinator
Wolfgang Mackiewicz, in his capacity as project co-ordinator, has ultimate responsibility for the scientific co-ordination and the management of the entire TNP3. He prepares and chairs the meetings of the Co-ordinating Committee and is responsible for the dissemination of the results. He is responsible for the preparation of the renewal applications and the final reports.

Deputy project co-ordinator
Daniel Toudic, in his capacity as deputy project co-ordinator, is responsible for the scientific co-ordination of the entire TNP3. He prepares and chairs, together with the Project Co-ordinator, the meetings of the Co-ordinating Committee and is responsible for the dissemination of the results.

Project Manager
Virginia Moukouli, in her capacity as project manager, reports to the Co-ordinator and to the Co-ordinating Committee. She directs the co-ordination unit. Assisted by a team of young graduates and a number of permanent staff at FUB's Language Centre, she is responsible for the management of the project. She monitors the progress of project activities and liases regularly with the Co-ordinators of the sub-projects. She administers the Commission grant and accounts for money spent. She keeps track of the impact generated both inside and outside the project.

Central Co-ordination Unit
The members of the Central Co-ordination Unit - most of them young graduates with an international background - perform specific tasks on a contract basis.

Co-ordinating Committee

The Co-ordinating Committee, comprised of the project co-ordinator, the deputy project co-ordinator, the project manager, the sub-project co-ordinators and their deputies, and three experts who have been involved in previous projects (SIGMA, TNP1, TNP-D) and are thoroughly familiar both with the subject area and with the approach adopted within the project, is responsible for the overall planning and co-ordination of project activities. It evaluates the project and monitors its impact.

Members of the Co-ordinating Committee
Anne-Claude BERTHOUD, Université de Lausanne (CH)
Manuel Célio CONCEIÇÃO, Universidade do Algarve (PT)
Michael KELLY, University of Southampton (UK)
Karen LAURIDSEN, Handelshøjskolen i Åarhus (DK)
Wolfgang MACKIEWICZ, Freie Universität Berlin (DE)
Virginia MOUKOULI, Freie Universität Berlin (DE)
Noël MUYLLE, European Commission, SCIC (BE) 
Neva ŠLIBAR, Univerze v Ljubljani (SI)
Maria STICCHI DAMIANI, TUNING Management Committee (BE)
Daniel TOUDIC, Université de Rennes 2 (FR)
Jolanta URBANIKOWA, Uniwersytet Warzsawski (PL)

Evaluation Board

For external evaluation a special board has been convened made up of three experts of international standing. The evaluation board assesses the outputs of the project.

Members of the Co-ordinating Committee
Regis RITZ, European University Association - EUA (CH/BE)
Claude TRUCHOT, Université Marc Bloch (FR)
Kari SAJAVAARA, Jyväskylän Yliopisto (FI)

Working Groups

Each sub-project has its own working group made up of representatives of higher education institutions (both experts and university leaders) and of other key stakeholder groups.

Sub-project One:
Languages for language-related industries and professions
     see a list of all members of sub-project one.

Sub-project Two:
Languages for enhance opportunities on the European labour market
     see a list of all members of sub-project two.

Sub-project Three:
Languages as an interface between the different sectors of education
     see a list of all members of sub-project three.