Project Outputs


Project Application

Project application of TNP3 for Year One. (pdf - 104 KB)

Project application of TNP3 for Year Two / Three. (pdf - 545 KB)


Key documents relevant to the themes of TNP3


Bologna Process

The European Higher Education Area.
Joint Declaration of the European Ministers of Education convened in Bologna on 19June 1999 (pdf - 19 KB)

Towards the European Higher Education Area
Communiqué of the European Ministers in charge of Higher Education in Prague on 19 May 2001 (pdf - 27 KB)

Realising the European Higher Education Area. Communiqué of the Conference of Ministers responsible for Higher Education in Berlin on 19 September 2003
(pdf - 35 KB)

European Commission. Directorate-General  for Education and Culture. 2003. From Berlin to Bergen – the EU contribution. Draft paper (pdf - 43 KB)

Conseil Européen pour les Langues / European Language Council. Language Studies in Higher Education: a Key contribution to European Integration.
Declaration of the members of the Scientific Committee of the Berlin European Year of Languages Conference (28-30 June 2001) (pdf - 19 KB)

Conseil Européen pour les Langues / European Language Council. 2002. A note for the attention of the authorities and organisations carrying forward the Bologna Process(pdf - 13 KB)

Conseil Européen pour les Langues / European Language Council. Communiqué issued on the occasion of the Fourth Conference of the CEL/ELC held at the Handelshojskølen i Åarhus (DK) on 26-28 June 2003. (pdf - 12 KB)

Lisbon Strategy

Conclusions of the Lisbon European Council, March2000 (pdf - 53 KB)

Communication from the Commission: Education & Training 2010 - the success of the Lisbon strategy hinges on urgent reforms. Draft interim report (pdf - 492 KB)

Education and Training in Europe: diverse systems, shared goals for 2010. The work programme on the future objectives of education and training systems (pdf - 4263 KB)

Implementation of education & training work programme. Progress report of the working group for improving foreign language learning (pdf - 469 KB)

Action Plan

Commission of the European Communities. 2003. Communication to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Promoting Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity: An Action Plan 2004-2006 (pdf - 239 KB)


Tuning educational structures in Europe. Pilot Project 2003. Final report – Phase 1 (project website)

Council of Europe

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (pdf - 173 KB)

European Language Portfolio (project website)

CEL / ELC projects

European Language Portfolio for Higher Education. (project website)

SIGMA Scientific Committee on Languages. Final report and national reports. (project website)

Thematic Network Project in the Area of Languages I (TNP1). Project results and outcomes (project website)

Project for the dissemination of the results of TNP1 (TNPD). (project website)

Thematic Network Project in the Area of Languages II (TNP2). Project results and outcomes:

Sub-project on Curriculum Innovation.  National reports and synthesis report (project website)

Sub-project on New Learning Environments – the European Learning space.
National reports and synthesis report (project website)

Sub-project on Quality Enhancement in language studies. National reports and synthesis report (project website)