SoSe 24  
Graduate School...  


Graduate School of North American Studies

  • Lehrangebot der Graduate School of North American Studies

    • 32120 Modul
      Advanced Theory and Methods in the Study of Culture (Frank Kelleter)
      Zeit: Di 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: 319 Seminarraum (Lansstr. 7 / 9)


      This Ph.D.-course continues last semester’s “Theory and Methods in the Study of Culture.” Members of the Graduate School are invited to attend; please register prior to the first class with Prof. Kelleter (no later than April 8).

    • 32130 Modul
      Research Colloquium Culture/Literature (Frank Kelleter, N.N.)
      Zeit: Mi 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 17.04.2024)
      Ort: 201 Seminarraum (Lansstr. 7 / 9)


      Each summer semester, the Departments of Culture and Literature organize a joint research colloquium with invited speakers. This course is addressed chiefly to Ph.D. students, post-docs, visiting scholars, and faculty members, but it is open to B.A. and M.A. students and the general public as well. It cannot be taken for credit; it is not an “M.A.-Kolloquium.” For details, please see poster and program (online).

    • 32230 Modul
      Theory and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies (James Dorson)
      Zeit: Do 14:00-16:00 (Erster Termin: 18.04.2024)
      Ort: 305 Konferenzraum (Lansstr. 7 / 9)


      This class is for members of the Graduate School of North American Studies and faculty only.

    • 32420 Modul
      Disciplinary Methods in the Study of History (Jessica Gienow-Hecht)
      Zeit: Mo 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 15.04.2024)
      Ort: keine Angabe
    • 32620 Modul
      Research Colloquium Social Science (Sebastian Kohl, Christian Lammert)
      Zeit: Di 18:00-20:00 (Erster Termin: 16.04.2024)
      Ort: 319 Seminarraum (Lansstr. 7 / 9)