Edited by Konstanze Jungbluth, Cornelia Müller, Nicole Richter, Hartmut Schröder



Mauro Giuffré:

Numerical expressions in everyday language
Carla Bazzanella. 2011. Numeri per Parlare. Da ‘quattro chiacchiere’ a ‘grazie mille’. Roma: Editori Laterza.

Dominik Gerst:

Praxeological foundations, sequential intertwining and the search for adequate research designs – Membership Categorisation Analysis with and after Sacks
Richard Fitzgerald, William Housley. 2015. Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. London: Sage.

Yves Laberge:

An overlooked book in French about discourse analysis and social demand
Frédéric Pugnière-Saavedra, Frédérique Sitri, Marie Veinard. 2012. L’Analyse du discours dans la société. Engagement du chercheur et demande sociale. Paris: Honoré Champion.

Download: PRAGMATICS.REVIEWS 2016.4.1

DOI: 10.11584/pragrev.2016.4.1


PRAGMATICS.REVIEWS is a regularly online publication of the European University VIADRINA Frankfurt (Oder). PRAGMATICS.REVIEWS is an Open Access platform. We only publish original work. All reviews are published under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. Rights reserved for all other content. ISSN: 2196-2871

Responsible Editor

Konstanze Jungbluth


Cornelia Müller
Nicole Richter
Hartmut Schröder



© Pragmatics.Reviews | 04 October 2018
