
Beiheft 6/2013

Herausgegeben von Hanno Ehrlicher

Between Folk and Highbrow: Popular Culture and Its Functions in 20th Century Avant-garde Magazines


Hanno Ehrlicher: Introduction [1–10]
Mechthild Albert: Visual media in the Spanish avant-garde magazine La Gaceta Literaria (1927–1932) – between popular traditions and modern mass-culture [11–27]
Torben Jelsbak: Across the Great Divide. Popular Culture in the Danish Magazine Kritisk Revy (1926–29) [28–41]
Céline Mansanti: Popular Culture in the 1920s and 1930s: A Response to America's Cultural Identity Crisis [42–47]
Nanette Rißler-Pipka: The paradoxes of Arte Joven: high and low culture before the rise of the avant-gardes [48–64]
Geraldine Rogers:Strife for 'the popular': Claridad against avant-garde writers in Crítica (Argentina, 1926–1927) [65–80]

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