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UNICA Students’ Video Competition: “Vote for Europe”; Frist: 31.03.2024

News vom 09.02.2024

The European Elections are just around the corner! On 6 – 9 June 2024, millions of European citizens will be voting to elect their representatives as Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). In light of this, UNICA is hosting a video competition to spotlight the thoughts and voices of students from our member universities leading up to the elections. The initiative counts on the support of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and the European Students’ Union (ESU).

With this competition, UNICA aims to raise awareness and interest among students, and the wider academic community, for the democratic processes that have the potential to reshape the societal impact of students and universities in Europe.

A jury composed of representatives from UNICA, ESN, ESU, and a European institution or organization, will evaluate and select the best videos, awarding prizes for the top three places and providing three honorable mentions.

Are you ready to share your voting story? Check the regulation and submit your video until the 31st of March!

Check all the rules of the competition in the Regulation document.

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