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Doctoral Council Election; Deadline 05.04.2024

News vom 03.04.2024

In May 2024, for the first time at Freie Universität Berlin, doctoral researcher representatives will be elected to represent all doctoral researchers, regardless of whether they are doing their doctorate individually or in a structured program, with a scholarship or with a position.

Anyone who is admitted to pursue a doctorate and enrolled or employed at Freie Universität and would like to make an impact for doctoral researchers can vote and can also stand for election. To run for election, submit your nomination (Election of Doctoral Council: Form for nominating candidates) to your department's local election board (FU Berlin: Dezentrale Wahlvorstände) by April 5, 2024.

Doctoral representatives can bring about real changes for all doctoral researchers, both at the university and the federal level: get involved and advance the causes that you and your peers believe in! We look forward to working with you! Find more information on the upcoming elections here: FU Berlin: Doctoral Council.

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